Chapter 7
Pearl was a very energetic child, filled with spirit! She is filled with joy and happiness. She doesn't seems to have any concerns in life. "So much strength of coloring, which must have given a wan and pallid aspect to cheeks of a fainter bloom, was admirably adapted to Pearl’s beauty, and made her the very brightest little jet of flame that ever danced upon the earth."
To dance and show happiness in a Puritan society is very bad. Already from a young age Pearl stands out, she is a rebel. Pearl is an outcast(?) from her mother, but in a different way. While Hester is filed with shame, Pearl seems to have no concerns in her life. I believe the society don't like it, because its wrong that a child of a mother who committed adultery should be happy.
Chapter 1
10 years ago
To dance and jet of flame are both full of energy. How are both of these joyous? And are they negative in Hawthorne's eyes? Flame and Dance are also words/symbols of passion. Pearl is a product of passion.