Sunday, October 31, 2010

the scarlet letter, symbol 13

Chapter 6

"But she named the infant “Pearl,” as being of great price,—purchased with all she had,—her mother’s only treasure!" Hester named her child Pearl because she was the only thing she had. A pearl is something precious, and valuable.  A pearl makes you feel good, and makes you feel that you have some status. If Hester lost Pearl she would have no reason to live, Pearl is the one that keeps her alive!  

Thursday, October 28, 2010

the scarlet letter, symbol 12

Chapter 5

Hester also made clothes for wealthy people who were able to pay for it. She made everything except wedding dresses. She wasn't allowed to make it because it because a wedding dress is something you use when you are getting married, and she did something that is forbidden in marriage. In fact adultery. Even though she was a very talented dress maker, people wouldn't wear a wedding dress because of the sinn she had done. I think the reason might be that they think that some of her "bad soul" would transfer over to the dress and make their marriage bad.

the scarlet letter, symbol 11

Chapter 5

When Hester moved she started to make clothes for poor people without getting paid. I think the reason she did this was because it was a way she could punish herself, it made her feel better and she got something else to think about. Maybe she though that since she did something nice, people could like her again and she could have some "friends".  I also think that this is something she liked to do, and was good at, she wanted to show people that she was good in something, and not only a bad person.

the scarlet letter, symbol 10

Chapter 5

When Hester Prynne got out of a prison she had to move to a deserted place. I think this is a punishment too, not only did she have to wear the scarlet letter, but she also had to move far away from people. To be excluded from a society makes you feel less worth. You feel like no one wants something to do with you, and this is exactly what happened. People didn't want anything to do with Hester Prynne after the sinn she did.

the scarlet letter, symbol 9

Chapter 4

In the end of chapter 4 Roger Chillingworth says this to Hester Prynne “Thou hast kept the secret of thy paramour. Keep, likewise, mine!" He doesn't want anyone to know him, because he is going to do something harmful to this family (Hester, her child and Mr. Dimmesdale). If Hester fails in this and tells someone about him, her hidden lover's life will be in his hands. I don't think Hester realizes in this moment that he has a plan, that he is evil, and doesn't want her anything good. It's clear that he has a plan, and even though she wont tell anyone he is going to harm her hidden lover. 

Monday, October 11, 2010

acquiesce, abstinence

Acquiesce (verb)
Freddy acquiesce the curfews she has.

Abstinence (noun)
Candy tastes like abstinence.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

the scarlet letter, symbol 8

Chapter 4

When Roger Chillingworth entered the room and started to talk to Hester about all the medications he knows about. He observed it as "My old studies in alchemy,..." Alchemy is evil magic, so we know he doesn't want her or her baby anything good, but he doesn't wanna kill them either because he wants her to suffer the pain by wearing the scarlet letter.

the scarlet letter, symbol 7

Chapter 4

Roger Chillingworth 

Hester Prynne's husband comes in to the prison acting as he is a doctor under the name Roger Chillingworth. It is obvious that this is not his real name, and that he picked it for a reason. Roger Chillingworth means honorably spears. I think he chose this name because of its meaning. He wants people to think of he is a good man, so no one will accuse him as something else. He is also a powerful person who knows what he is doing. In the chapter he is also mentioned as the black man which relates to the devil who is directly evil. I think we will come back to the name in the end of the book, like it has an important meaning.

Friday, October 8, 2010

admonish, abstract

Admonish (verb)
The mother admonished Peter not to hit his sister.

Abstract (adjective or noun)
Sarah had an abstract thought about people becoming angels after death.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

the scarlet letter, symbol 6

Chapter 3

"When he found the eyes of Hester Prynne fastened on his own, and saw that she appeared to recognize him, he slowly and calmly raised his finger, made a gesture with it in the air, and laid it on his lips." Usually when people put a finger on their lips they want the other to keep silent. In this case, the man wants Hester to pretend that they don't know each other. To me it seems like the man with the Indian clothes had planned everything, he knows what's going on. Hester seemed very surprised when she saw him, and her reaction is described as this in the text: "..she pressed her infant to her bosom, with so convulsive a force that the poor babe uttered another cry of pain. But the mother did not seem to hear it" She must been really shocked, and it sounds like she is afraid of the man, because she pressed her baby so hard to her breast. I think she pressed the baby so hard to her breast (where the scarlet letter is) because she tried to hide her secret more. 

aesthetic, aggrandizement

Aesthetic (adjective or noun)
The aesthetic of an old lady lies in her past life.

Aggrandizement (verb)
Germany's aggrandizement increased when Hitler took over. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

the scarlet letter, symbol 5

Chapter 3

Among all the people watching Hester Prynne standing on the scaffold, a short man with a strange body-shape was noticed by her. His motion is describes as "A writhing horror twisted itself across his features, like a snake gliding swiftly over them, and making one little pause, with all its wreathed intervolutions in open sight."
The snake is a symbol which represents the devil and evilness. It refers to the story of Adam and Eve in the bible. The snake made Eve eat from the apple tree even though she was not allowed. This makes the snake an evil, fake and convincing creature which should not be trust. So what Hawthrone means by this is that this man is evil and should not be trust. It is something mysterious over him, that is not good.

affinity, aberration

Affinity (noen)
Alida has an affinity for people who suffer.

Aberration (noun)
He is aberration because he knows all the numbers in the telephone directory. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

the scarlet letter, symbol 4

Chapter 2

Mr. Dimmesdale

He is the one that has to judge Hester Prynne as she stands on the scaffold. People would compare him to the angel because he was a very silent, well educated man from England how wandered alone as often as he could. In the text he seems pretty lost, the relationship between Mistress Prynne and Mr Dimmesdale are tense. It seems like they must have met before. Mr. Dimmesdale is responsible for for Hester Prynne's soul, but it doesn't seem like he wants to be it, maybe if they met before it has to do with something that happened?

advocate, acclaim

I hired this advocate for less homework in High School.

He acclaimed her after completing the marathon. 


Advocate (noun)
A person who publicly support or recommends a particular case or policy.

Acclaim (verb)
Praise enthusiastically and publicly.

Affinity (noun)
A natural liking or sympathy for someone or something.

Aberration (noun)
A departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome.

Aesthetic (adjective)
Concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty.

Abstinence (noun)
The face or practice of restraining oneself from indulging in something, typically alcohol.

Aggrandizement (verb)
Increase the power, status or wealth.

Admonish (verb)
Warn or reprimand someone firmly.

Abstract ( adjective)
Existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.

Acquiesce (verb)
Accept something reluctantly but without protest.