Wednesday, September 29, 2010

the scarlet letter, symbol 3

Chapter 2

Comparing the rose-bush to the scarlet letter

In chapter 2, Hester Prynne stands on the scaffold outside the prison in front of everyone. She is wearing the scarlet letter, A, which stands for adultery. While she is standing there, she is holding her little baby, which is her punishment for cheating on her husband. We can compare the scarlet letter to the rose-bush mentioned in chapter one. The rose-bush has a direct connection to Anne Hutchinson, who stood out for what she meant. Hester Prynne is also compared to Anne Hutchinson, which leads to the rose-bush and the scarlet letter. Just as the rose-bush is connected to Anne Hutchinson, the scarlet letter is connected to Hester Prynne.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

obtuse, adroit, deleterious

Obtuse (adj)
The little boy had some obtuse ways to explain things.

Adroit (adj)
The professor had adroit thoughts.

Deleterious (adj)
To drink too much alcohol can be deleterious.


Mohegans belonged originally to the Pequot tribe
, they came from the upper Hudson River valley in N.Y, and moved then to the Thames River valley in Connecticut. After the Pequot and Mohegans separated, the Mohegans owned the northern and western parts of the Thames River valley
- The difference between the two tribes were few, but the Mohegans were called the “good indians” because they were allied to the English men, while the Pequot were called the “bad indians” because they fought the colonists, and also destroyed in only five years. The Mohegans men were hunters, the women were farmers and were responsible for the children. They harvested corn, squash, beans and gatherd fruits and nuts for food. Mohegans were known for their beadwork and basketry. From 1634 on the population of the Mohegan tribe continuously dropped, mainly because of diseases, so some tribes merged together. Their source of wealth was wampum.

Friday, September 17, 2010

US History

3) Purtians traveled to the New World because they wanted religious freedom, and set up colonies.

4) Purtians and Pequots meaning by:

Land and property
The Pequot people meant that you don't own the land, you just use it the for the time you are there. The Purtians meant that you own the land by settling something on it.

Division of labor and gender
In the Native culture the women did most of the work, while the man just were out hunting, came home and rest. For the the Purtians the men did most of the work.

The Purtians believed the idea of total war was to get rid of a total culture, but the Natives didn't think so, and they didn't practice it.

5) The Dutch wanted to be friends with the Natives, trade and have their land, while the British were there to just take it and settle.

12) The Mystic massacre made it acceptable for everyone to take over the Native land.

the scarlet letter, symbol 2

"The rust on the ponderous ironwork of its oaken door looked more antique than any thing else in the new world. Like all that pertains to crime, it seemed never to have known a youthful era. Before this ugly edifice, and between it and the wheel-track of the street, was a grass-plot, much over-grown with burdock, pig-weed, apple-peru, and such unsightly vegetation, which evidently found something congenial in the soil that had so early borne the black flower of civilized society, a prison. But, on one side of the portal, and rooted almost at the threshold, was a wild rose-bush, covered, in this month of June, with its delicate gems, which might be imagined to offer their fragrance and fragile beauty to the prisoner as he went in, and to the condemned criminal as he came forth to his doom, in token that the deep heart of Nature could pity and be kind to him."

I think the symbol between the rose-bush and the black flower is that rose-bush is where you are when you are one of the riches, you believe in the right religion, and do as the government tell you. People who stands out, believe in an other religion, commit a crime in the governments eyes are sent on the other side which is the black flower. The rose-bush represents pureness and wealthiness.

the scarlet letter, symbol 1

"A throng of bearded men, in sad-colored garments and gray steeple-crowned hats, intermixed with women, some wearing hoods, and others bareheaded" is what is says in the beginning of chapter 1. To me it symbolizes poverty, a huge class distinction between the ones who had power and the ones that didn't. Or it might be when everyone first got to North-America, everything was new, and they didn't have anything. They were people who came to start all over, they wanted a society where things were perfect and everyone was happy, this also called Utopia. 

the scarlet letter, chapter 1

What colony is the setting for the novel?
Bosten, Massachusetts  

Where in the colony does the opening chapter take place?
It takes place in the colony's prison.  

For what 2 “practical necessities” did the new colony set aside land?
The "2 practical necessities" the colony set aside land was allot a portion of the virgin soil as a cemetery and another portion as the site of a prison.  

Who is Anne Hutchinson?
In 1637, Anna Hutchinson came from England to Massachusetts, and only one year later, in 1638 she was banished from Massachusetts because she had other religious views than the government. After being banished from Massachusetts she went to Rhode Island, looking for religious freedom.  

What 2 possible symbols does the rose have for the reader?
For the reader the rose can symbolize Anne Hutchinson or purity contrasted to the black flower which means prison.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

alarity, timorous

Alacrity (noun)
With alacrity Sophie went to school.

Timorous (adjective)
Adam seems timorous, is he?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

reticent, rigor

Marcus is a very reticent person.

The rigor in my home made me a proper person.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

capitulate, celestial

Once Emma came to the fair Taylor capitulated.

The dinner was celestial.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

callous, capricious

Sophie was kalled callous after saying she hated her brother from taking the candy from her.

I have never seen such a capricious boy, he just sits there.