Mohegans belonged originally to the Pequot tribe
, they came from the upper Hudson River valley in N.Y, and moved then to the Thames River valley in Connecticut. After the Pequot and Mohegans separated, the Mohegans owned the northern and western parts of the Thames River valley
- The difference between the two tribes were few, but the Mohegans were called the “good indians” because they were allied to the English men, while the Pequot were called the “bad indians” because they fought the colonists, and also destroyed in only five years. The Mohegans men were hunters, the women were farmers and were responsible for the children. They harvested corn, squash, beans and gatherd fruits and nuts for food. Mohegans were known for their beadwork and basketry. From 1634 on the population of the Mohegan tribe continuously dropped, mainly because of diseases, so some tribes merged together. Their source of wealth was wampum.
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