Monday, December 13, 2010

huckleberry finn, questions - chapter 26-31

Chapter 26 - 31

1. In chapter 26 Huck steals money to give it to the girls (Mary Jane, Susan and Joanna). In his decision to try to help them goes against the society. If he gets caught he'll get big consequences. In chapter 31 he decides to help Jim escape from the plantation he has been sold to. To help a slave escape is one of the worst crimes you could do in the society, but Huck knows Jim, he sees him as a human with feelings. He knows he is a good person, who cares about other people. He is aware of the consequences he can get, but he is willing to take the chance. He wants justice for Jim, and is willing to do whatever to make Jim get it. It is ironic because it is against society. Especially when in his declaration "All right, then, I'll go to hell". Usually when people say that they don't mean it, but Huck actually does. He really thinks he will go to hell, he takes it very literally. 

2. a) Huck couldn't pray the lie because God would know that he didn't mean it. 
b) In stead of being one of the society, Huck was able to see what was really right. When he wrote down the letter to Miss Watson he saw what could actually happened if he didn't help Jim. He knows that helping Jim is the most right thing to do, and even though it would have consequences. If he wouldn't have helped him the consequences would be bigger (personally) 

3. Huck thinks about all the things that Jim and he has been through together and decides to tear up the letter he wrote to Miss Watson. Jim had actually told him that he was the only one he had, the only friend. Huck couldn't disappoint him now. He also knows a better difference between right and wrong that the society. 

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